Free Health and Wellbeing Expo | Our News

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Free Health and Wellbeing Expo

Health and Wellbeing Expo flyer

To mark the launch of Birmingham Community Healthcare (BCHC)’s Direct Access to Wellbeing Services (DAWS) Team, funded thanks to an incredible grant to BCHC Charity from the safeguarding team from Cadent Gas, who are able to support projects such as these through the Vulnerability and Carbon Monoxide Allowance (VCMA), we are hosting a free health and wellbeing event to help support the people of Birmingham to keep well.

Date: Thursday 26 September 2024
Time: 12.30 pm — 4.30 pm

Location: Aston Villa Football Club, Lower Grounds Suite, Holte Stand, Trinity Road, B6 6HE


Opening the DAWs to Wellbeing

The DAWs Team has many levels to the support that they can offer to individuals, including staff and patients within BCHC as well as members of the public. The main aim is to support those most vulnerable and in need in our local communities and ensure they have access to the wider support available. This supports the charity’s mission of helping people live better for longer by helping people to be well and warm at home.Visit the Keeping Well and Warm webpage for more information about the team. 


The event is designed to give you the opportunity to find out about local services and organisations and help you find the support you need to keep healthy and warm at home.


The event will include informational stands for many BCHC services, including the Resuscitation Team, Immunisations Team, Patient Experience Team, and more. There will also be information about the BCHC App Library, an online tool designed to help you find suitable and approved apps to help manage any health conditions you may have. On top of this, other local services, charities, and organisations will have stalls offering advice and resources, such as Age UK, Gateway Family Services, Forward Carers, Citizens Advice, Cadent Foundation & Centres for Warmth, and many more.


At our expo, you can get information on managing health conditions and the wider NHS support available, organising your budget, how to register on the Priority Service Register (PSR) (where eligible), energy saving tips and pick up energy saving equipment and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms where applicable, and much more.


Our Health & Wellbeing Expo is completely free of charge, and you do not need a ticket to attend; simply pop by any time between 12.30 pm and 4.30pm to access information, health checks, and resources.


The Health & Wellbeing Expo banner

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