BCHC staff with child and parent image


Children's Speech and Language Therapy

Resource bases

Specialist support to children (0-19) with a range of specific speech, language and communication difficulties and those with difficulties swallowing, eating and drinking.

Resource bases


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SLCN Resource Bases

A SLCN resource base is a specialist provision within a Mainstream School where children with speech and language disorder are taught and where speech and language therapists work closely with specialist teachers.


The aim is to provide specialist teaching and therapeutic speech and language support for children with speech and language disorder. Also to provide an environment where the children make good and outstanding progress especially with their speech, language and communication.


We are currently providing Speech and Language Therapy service in three speech and language resource bases within Birmingham. These are based within:


children image


To be eligible for a place at one of the above resource bases your child must have an Education, Health and Care Plan.



The largest proportions of deaf/ hearing impaired children are taught at their local primary school supported by the Specialist Support Service.


Children who need a higher level of support or intervention attend Resource Bases attached to a mainstream school. These children will have an Education, Health and Care Plan for a hearing loss with subsequent language difficulties.


The aim of these resource bases is to develop children’s language and communication skills. Pupils are encouraged to use their residual hearing, to use clear spoken communication, to follow lip patterns and to make use of finger spelling and sign language both receptively and expressively.


Assisted by parents and families, the resource bases provide a team of specialist staff and teaching/equipment that will help pupils to acquire language enabling them to communicate effectively, so they can be successfully included in their mainstream classes and have full access to the national curriculum.


Within Birmingham there are two primary Hearing Resource Bases (HRB’s),  three secondary HRB’s:

Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.