BCHC staff treating an adult patient


Inpatient Services

Keeping you safe during your hospital stay

Tips and advice for patients due to stay at our inpatient sites.

Simple steps to keep you safe during your hospital stay


A new NHS video and leaflet, ‘Simple steps to keep you safe during your hospital stay’, has been launched providing tips and advice on simple things patients can do to look after their safety during a hospital stay.


While the safety of patients is a priority for NHS staff, the video and leaflet provide advice on things patients can do themselves to help stay safe, such as wearing the right footwear to protect themselves from slips and falls, doing leg and ankle exercises to help prevent blood clots and washing hands to prevent the spread of infections.


Patients are encouraged to view the video and leaflet before coming into hospital, as these simple things can make a big difference to staying safe and well during their stay.


The video and leaflet can be found on the NHS England website.


The leaflet is available in a number of different languages, and a British Sign Language (BSL) version of the video is available.

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