Best care boot camp for community recruits

As part of an ongoing recruitment drive, BCHC has launched a ‘clinical bootcamp’ programme to help new starters get ready to deliver care as part of our community nursing and early intervention care teams.
The initiative sees new recruits attend five days over five weeks, with face-to-face educational content, e-learning modules and practical clinical skills training where they will get the chance to put learning into practice.
Clinical leaders, clinical practice teachers and community development leads are teaming up to deliver key messages about BCHC’s vision and values, as well as mandatory and essential to role training for clinical colleagues.
Our workforce plan for 2024/25 aims to surpass our success in filling 200 posts in 2023/24, with a target of recruiting another 240 colleagues during the year. Recruiting community nurses remains a top priority, alongside healthcare assistants for inpatient areas and a number of services for children and families facing high demand.
The launch of the clinical boot camp programme follows a review of processes to identify ways of speeding up the journey from a recruit’s appointment to an active role in achieving the BCHC vision of delivering best care to build and sustain healthy communities.
Nursing professional lead for adult community services Natasha Jones said: “Recruiting to our community nursing teams is a top priority for the Trust this year.
“Heading into winter, we see, more than at any time of the year, the importance of building capacity and resilience in community nursing teams. They are the biggest single staff group in our trust and play a vital role in delivering the care and support people need at home, rather than in hospital.
“We still have work to do to meet our recruitment targets; and so the idea of our new clinical bootcamp programme is to make sure people joining the teams are able to hit the ground running with the knowledge and confidence they need as quickly as possible.
“It was great to see the collaborative ‘can-do’ spirit at our first session and to see new colleagues networking, sharing their experiences and their expectations as they join Team BCHC.”