Expression of Interest: Poster Review for Multi-Faith Room Signage | Our News

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Expression of Interest: Poster Review for Multi-Faith Room Signage

The Equality and Inclusion Team is seeking volunteers to review proposed poster design aimed at signposting our multi-faith room for use by patients, visitors and staff and volunteers of all religious backgrounds.

The multi-faith rooms have been created as a quiet, reflective space that can be utilised for prayer, meditation or simply a peaceful respite during one's time at the hospital. Effective signage is needed to raise awareness of this facility and direct those interested in using it.

We are looking for individuals from diverse faith backgrounds to provide feedback on the clarity, inclusivity, and appropriateness of the poster designs. The goal is to ensure the design effectively communicate the room's purpose to all while avoiding any offensive or insensitive imagery or language.

If you are a patient, volunteer or visitor interested in lending your perspective, please contact the Equality and Inclusion Team by June 1st to submit their feedback.

Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.

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