Winter Plan 2023/24 | Our News

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Winter Plan 2023/24

Our winter plan for 2023-24 sets out our approach for keeping clinical services safe, supporting colleagues and playing our part in managing health and care system pressures.

The NHS England urgent and emergency care recovery plan focuses on two key objectives to be achieved by March 2024:

  • 76 per cent of patients seen within four hours;
  • average ambulance response times for Category 2 patients under 230 minutes.

The plan sets out a range of operational measures designed to provide the resilience to achieve these targets. Growing the workforce to increase service capacity and developing new services in the community to avoid admissions to and speed up discharges from acute hospitals are key to the success of the plan.

Click here to download the BCHC winter plan for 2023-24

David Disley-Jones

Communications Manager,
Communications Team

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