Clinician playing with child


Paediatric Physiotherapy Service

What is Physio?

Paediatric physiotherapy (PT) is the treatment, by physical means, of conditions seen in children, which affect or compromise normal childhood development.

What is Physio?

Paediatric physiotherapy is a type of therapy that focuses on helping children and their families develop the skills and abilities they need to live healthy, active lives.


It can include a range of techniques and exercises designed to improve the child's physical abilities, such as balance, coordination, and strength. It can also help children and their families learn how to manage any chronic conditions or injuries they may have, and can provide support and guidance on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Physiotherapy can help children and their families achieve their full potential and lead happy, fulfilling lives.



We teach families and carers about the condition the child presents with and the programme of activities required to either maintain or to develop skills. Partnership with parents and education staff is essential. We also work in close partnership with other professionals from Health, Education and Social Care.



Who is it for?

Clinician offering toy to a child


Physio is for everyone. You may be able to help your child using the links from the landing page.


If concerns or problems remain then a doctor or other health professional will be able to refer a child for assessment.


BCHC Paediatric Physiotherapy is a community-based service which will accept referrals for all children aged 0-18 years of age, who are still in full-time school education or up to 19 in special school education.


The service is provided to children and young people registered with any Birmingham GP.


Children and young people who do not have a Birmingham GP may also receive the service if they are in full-time education in Birmingham.


The service provides assessment and treatment for babies and children with delay in gross motor skills which may be affecting their normal childhood development. For babies, children or young people with abnormal muscle tone and/or patterns of movement and children and young people with musculoskeletal conditions causing pain or loss of function, we will offer advice and recommendations for specialist equipment or orthotics which will assist in achieving either postural control / management or mobility.



Who provides it?

Clinician playing with a child


The service is provided by chartered physiotherapists who are specialists in treating children with a range of medical conditions. A number of our staff have had significant postgraduate training which may include training in Bobath and other paediatric physiotherapy techniques. We also have a number of experienced physiotherapy assistants carrying out many of the treatment sessions within packages of care.


The BCHC Community Paediatric Physiotherapy service uses a tiered model approach to deliver services to children, young people and families within the Birmingham area. 

  • Universal: families and professionals are able to access a range of resources and information across our webpage.
  • Targeted: some children with specific conditions may be seen in groups. 
  • Specialist: following referral and assessment, some children may require specialist support, this can be within the home, clinic or school setting.


Paediatric Physiotherapy tiered model approach graphic

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