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Access to Communication and Technology

Your Feedback

ACT works with people with complex disabilities to enable them communicate and interact, assisted by the use of electronic equipment.

Your feedback

Welcome to your feedback section.


We appreciate you taking the time to tell us your opinions.


Our Trust use an independent company to gather feedback called iWantGreatCare


To complete the ACT specific survey about your experience please provide your feedback online via the survey link from the QR code. Scan it with your smartphone or tablet camera and it will take you to the survey.


Access to Communication and Technology feedback QR code


If you are unable to use the QR code, the survey can be found through:

Submit feedback


Please do not add any personal identifiable information in the comments box.


Thank you in advance for taking the time to do this.


To contact us directly

If you would like to speak to ACT about any concerns you may have about our service, please contact Jo Cartwright, the ACT service lead. Jo works Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, so you can email her directly on joanne.cartwright5@nhs.nettelephone 0121 466 3050 or contact our admin team, who will pass you to the most appropriate person: . Thank you

Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.