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Research and Innovation

MoveMore Study

Move More logoStudy details

Division: C&F

Project Full Title: Feasibility of the MoveMore digital intervention: reducing sedentary behaviour in non-ambulant young people with long term disabilities.

Principal Investigator: Marilyn Bradbury

Project Site Status: Closed to Recruitment – in follow-up

Project Resources:

Participant Information Sheet

Participation Information Sheet: Parents and Guardians of Young People Aged 13-15

Participant Information Sheet: Young People Aged 16-25

MoveMore Study Privacy Notice

MoveMore Study Additional information: Confidentiality and GDPR


Project Summary:

The MoveMore app supports young people aged 13-25 who use a wheelchair and are unable to walk to spend less time sitting and lying still. Previous research shows that spending a long time sitting and lying still has a negative impact on health. Young people using the app work with a team of adult supporters they invite to an online dashboard.


We are about to start data collection for the MoveMore app feasibility study. We aren't looking for any new participants at present, but may need people to take part again in the future as we improve the app further.

Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.