BCHC staff with child and parent image


Children's Services


'Transition' is the process of preparing, planning and moving from children's to adults' services.

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Transition from young people's services - planning your future care

'Transition' is the process of preparing, planning and moving from children's to adult services.


This includes deciding which services are best for you and where you will receive that care and support.


This transitional period is about making plans with you - not about you. We understand that moving away from a team of healthcare professionals after many years may be scary; but hopefully, by getting involved in the transition process, children, young people and families will feel more confident and happier about the move.


We hope this page will link you to the different services that are available - providing useful contacts and information to support you through transition. These links can continue to support you and your family once you have left the children and families service.


Resources for professionals:

WHAT Growing Up Transition Booklet Year 10-11

WHAT Growing Up Transition Booklet Year 12-13



Information on transition

  • What’s the plan for my transition?
  • When am I moving to adult services?
  • What is different about the adult services?
  • What do I need to know before I move to adult services?


Transition from child to adult care poster 

Transition from child to adult care poster



Helping you to live well in Birmingham

Connect to Support is an online information and advice guide, community directory and marketplace for citizens of Birmingham.



Health professionals in children’s services

All health professionals involved in your care will support you through the transition process. You will have had discussions in appointments as well as information sent to you at various points throughout your time at school regarding transition.


If, though, you have any concerns regarding transition the health professionals that you have been involved with, we are happy to be contacted to provide support through what understandably can be a challenging time.



Adult learning disability service

Specialist health services are available for people with learning disabilities in Birmingham.


If you have a learning disability, are 19 years or older and you have a health need, you may require help from us. We are a team of speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, dieticians , nutritional nurses, support workers, a transition nurse,  touch therapy and health facilitation nurses. We also have an intensive support team for clients who are in crisis and a forensic team.


For further information, including details on how to refer:

LD transition pack


Information on annual health checks with GPs for those over 14 years with learning disabilities

If you are 14 years and over with a learning disability you should be having an annual health check with your GP. 


Please see below attachments which provide more information on this.

Annual health checks for people with learning disabilities aged 14 years and over

Annual health checks for people with learning disabilities aged 14 and over - easy read



Young Adults Rehabilitation Service

We are a service for 16 to 25 year olds who require support to ensure a planned purposeful movement/transfer of young adults with long-term conditions, from child-centred to adult-orientated healthcare systems. Our clinic addresses ongoing neurological rehabilitation and disability management issues with the young adult and their family.


We can support young people who are in a period of transition: that could be with education, beginning or seeking employment, moving from the family home to independent living, or moving from paediatric to adult medical and therapy services.  We support young people who want independence in directing their own activities: maintaining health, domestic or personal care, finances or leisure.

Our aim is to support our patients to:

  • fulfil their goals and enjoy life;
  • be knowledgeable about their condition;
  • be active members of the community and society;
  • have appropriate support and care;
  • access health, social care, education and employment services as needed;
  • know how and who to ask for help.


Young Adults Specialist Clinic



Support for families of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

When a young person with a disability reaches 18 years of age, the responsibility for providing their social care support transfers from children's to adult social care and health services.


A transition into adulthood plan should be made before the young person's 18th birthday to reflect all their needs for education, training, leisure, employment, health, wellbeing and social care. The plan is to enable young people to live as independently as possible.


When a young person reaches adulthood the services provided may change. This could mean that they are no longer eligible for the same services, or that different services may be more suitable.


For more information please contact Birmingham City Council adults social care and health services:

Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm


Birmingham Council: Transitions and Preparation for Adulthood Service

Young Minds helpsheet about transitioning to adult services for people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).



Mental Capacity

Young people may have difficulty understanding or making decisions for themselves. Under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, people over 16 years with disability can receive help and support to make decisions about their health, social care, financial matters and every day issues.


Further information:


Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.