Variety of fruit


Nutrition and Dietetic Services

Resources for Patients and Public

We provide nutrition services across Birmingham for conditions including diabetes, malnutrition, stomach and digestive problems, allergies, food sensitivity and obesity.

Further information for patients, family and carers

The Birmingham Community Nutrition and Dietetic Service produce and recommend a number of key resources. The main resources and useful websites and documents can be found below, some under subject-specific headers. There are some great links to recommended websites with good quality, evidence based patient information on a number of topics and health conditions.


Diabetes UK is the largest organisation in the UK working for people with diabetes, funding research, campaigning and helping people live with the condition.

Diabetes UK - Eating with Diabetes


Useful BCHC Diabetes resources:

Early years and school age

Information on reflux in babies


Helpful videos for parents and carers of children with fussy eating


Information on the national Healthy Start scheme for pregnant women and children


School food trust, the Trusts remit is to transform school food and food skills, promote the education and health of children and young people and improve the quality of food in schools.
School Food Trust 


Food - a fact of life provides a progressive approach to teaching about healthy eating, cooking, food and farming from 3 to 16 years. This site provides a wealth of free resources to stimulate learning, ensuring that consistent and up-to-date messages are delivered.

Food a Fact of Life


Interactive healthy eating site for children from the World Cancer Research Fund

Great Grub Club

Gastroenterology and bowel health

This site provides information for those diagnosed with coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis (DH)


Healthy eating and weight loss

The Change for Life website

The NHS choices website healthy living page.

National Public Health Lifestyles website – One You.


Commercial weight loss support groups, such as Weight Watchers, Slimming World. 


British Dietetic Association weight loss website

British Heart foundation A in depth guide to weight loss 


12 week weight loss plan

NHS Choices 

A family approach to a healthy lifestyle

Weight Concern:


Useful apps:

  • Change4life Smart recipes
  • Change4Life food scanner
  • My fitness pal
  • One you Easy meals


The Eatwell Guide shows how much of what we eat overall should come from each good group to achieve a health balanced diet.


Top tips for eating more fruit and vegetables



Interesting and fun blog piece about the colourful clues to the health benefits to be found in different types of food.

What does the colour of your fruit and veg tell you?


Weight loss surgery

Heart disease

Charity fighting heart and circulatory disease. The BHF funds research, education and life-saving equipment and helps heart patients.

British Heart Foundation


There are a number of guidelines available below to help you deliver the best possible nutritional care in the community. If you have any questions about these guidelines, please contact us at Priestley Wharf.


The Home Enteral Feeding Guidelines will be available for download soon, but in the meantime please contact us at Priestley Wharf, Tel: 0121 683 2300 for a copy.  Y



Nutrition and COPD leaflet. If you would like to order copies of this leaflet please contact LG Davies on 0121 430 9000.

Oral Nutrition Support in Substance and Alcohol Misusers.pdf [pdf] 194KB



The following links are available to give ideas for boosting calorie intake for people who have a poor appetite or who are trying to gain weight.

Maternal health

Healthy Eating in Pregnancy

*These leaflets are also available in Arabic, Bengali, French, Polish, Punjabi, Somali, and Urdu. Please email if you would like the leaflet in one of these languages

Physical activity



Walking for health


British heart foundation

Check local councils websites for local leisure centers activities. 


A collection of 2km and 5km walks all over Birmingham
Birmingham Walk 2000


Exercise on Prescription aims to help people to become more healthy by increasing their physical activity.
Exercise on Prescription


The City Council’s main website. Details of things to do and leisure facilities.
Birmingham City Council


Follow this link to our Startwell website to view our updated recipes:

Recipes Include:

Starters and Snacks


  • Avocado & Mango Salsa
  • Backed Aubergine and Tomato
  • Cous Cous Salad
  • Homemade Potato Wedges
  • Hummus
  • Minestrone Soup
  • Mushroom Soup
  • Naan Bread
  • Noodle Pots
  • Pitta Crisps
  • Pumpkin or Butternut Squash Soup
  • Raisin & Walnut Bread
  • Rice Salad
  • Roasted Vegetable Topped Muffins
  • Salsa Salad
  • Spicy Lentil & Carrot Soup
  • Spinach Cornmeal Bread
  • Stuffed Tomatoes
  • Sweet Potato Mash
  • Tortilla Wraps
  • Yoghurt Dip



Main Courses

  • Beef * Lentil Stew with Leek Dumplings
  • Bombay Spiced Mince & Potatoes
  • Chicken and vegetable Curry
  • Chicken Biryani
  • Chicken Chasseur
  • Chicekn Kebabs
  • Chicken Polka Dot Pie
  • Chilli
  • Cottage Pie
  • Homemade Beefburgers
  • Homemade Chicken Nuggets
  • Jamaican Jerk Chicken
  • Oriental Stir Fry
  • Spaghetti Bolognese 
  • Spanish Omelette
  • Sweet and Sour Pork
  • Turkey Burgers




  • Classic Kedgeree
  • Easy Fish Pie
  • Exotic Breadcrumb Fish
  • Masala Curry
  • Ocean Pie
  • Salmon Dopiaza
  • Salmon Fishcakes
  • Sardine Pate
  • Spinach, Chickpea and Prawn Curry
  • Tuna with Vegetables and Pasta






  • Asian Vegetable Stir Fry
  • Chickpea, Spinach and Mushroom Balti
  • Karela Curry
  • Mixed Vegetable Stir-Fry Pasta
  • Quick Pizza
  • Quick Vegetable Lasagna
  • Quorn Tagliatelle
  • Rajma Red Kidney Bean Curry
  • Ratatouille
  • Spinach Quiche
  • Stir Fried Vegetables with Jerk Quorn
  • Tomato Pasta Sauce
  • Vegetable Curry
  • Vegetable Omelette





  • Apple Cake
  • Apple Crumble
  • Apple or Pineapple and Sultana Upside Down Cake
  • Baked Apple Meringues
  • Banana and Date Loaf
  • Bread and Butter Pudding
  • Carrot Cake
  • Fat Free Fruit Cake
  • Fruit Salad
  • Healthier Fruit Muffins
  • Mixed Fruit Chat
  • Oatmeal Cookies
  • Pancakes
  • Quick Creamy Rice Pudding
  • Quick Easy No Fuss Trifle
  • Rustic Apple Pie
  • Strawberry and Pear Crunchies
  • Wholemeal Fruit Scones




  • Banana & Strawberry Smoothie
  • Banilla Whizz
  • Celebration Non-Alcoholic Celebration Punch
  • Fruity Cooler
  • Mango & Orange Smoothie
  • Raspberry & Blueberry Smoothie

Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.